Credits Power Players was programmed by Greg Francis using Symantec's THINK C 5.0. All graphics were produced by Greg Francis using Deneba's Canvas 3.0, Silicon Beach's SuperPaint 2.0 and Microsoft's PowerPoint 2.0. I would like to thank the following people for their assistance for bring Power Players to life: Beta testers: Melissa Thompson Steve Thompson Jeff Garner Steve Jenkins Technical Assistance: Jeff Garner Help dialog source code: R. Fronabarger, 1989 I would also like to thank the following: Connecting Point Computers for allowing me the use of their Macs for testing purposes. Fidonet, Internet, and MACS BBS in Spokane were great aids in solving many problems. Apple Computer, Inc. can never be thanked enough for producing the best personal computer in the world. I would especially like to thank my wife Stacy for her support and understanding. Writing programs can sometimes take a great deal of time and it's typically rougher on the spouses than on the programmer because they tend to get ignored a bit. Stacy was very understanding and I love her for it.